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Hubei Energy Group Co.,LTD(000883)

Date:2021-03-12 | Views:2970

        As the energy platform of Hubei Province, the enterprise has plans in the fields of wind, nuclear, water, thermal power and natural gas network, as well as coal logistics. Close to 1 times the PB release, the security is very high. 

        Sensegain Asset Management Group promoted listed companies to choose opportunities at high discounts and finally successfully subscribed 230 million shares of Hubei Energy, with a capital of about 1.2 billion yuan. The higher-than-expected performance in the third quarter of 13 years reached 0.362 yuan, and the improvement mainly came from the improvement of thermal power business. During the lock-up period, Sensegain, on the one hand, actively promotes Hubei Energy to increase capital in high-quality financial enterprises, forming a financial energy dual-main business pattern; on the other hand, it promotes the company's natural gas business from the current mid-stream natural gas pipeline to downstream to city gas and LNG filling stations, and at the same time, actively layout upstream shale gas source development, forming an upstream and downstream monopoly industrial pattern and improving the market valuation of the company.
