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HRG Robot Group

Date:2021-04-18 | Views:3084

        The group is mainly engaged in robot parts, industrial robots, service robots, automation equipment, automated three-dimensional warehouse and warehousing logistics equipment, mechanical and electronic equipment, large automation systems and production lines and food and drug automation equipment, forging automation equipment, welding automation equipment, tire production automation equipment, marine automation equipment, nuclear power automation equipment, aerospace automation equipment, Laser technology and equipment, optoelectronic products, highway tunnel and rail transit integrated system equipment, building intelligence and electromechanical engineering equipment research and development, manufacturing, installation, sales and related technology transfer, technical consultation, technical services, etc. 

        Harbin University of Technology is one of the earliest entity engaged in robot technology research, and it is the birthplace of the first spot welding robot, arc welding robot, wall-climbing robot, space robot and lunar rover in China. 

        It participated in the formulation of the national high-tech development plan "863", and the national robot development planning from the "Ninth five-year Plan" to the "13th five-year Plan". In 2013, Harbin University of Technology was the leading force for inviting research institutions such as Shenyang Automation Institute, Beihang University, Beijing University of Technology, Shenyang Xinsong Robotics Company, Harbin Boshi Company and other enterprises to apply for collaborative innovation during the "2011-year Plan". 
